Farm Station


Mother Nature, the environment, the ecosystems, and the changing climate concern us all, but the question is what can we do about it. Through FarmStation, you are able to assist us in creating a healthy environment and ecosystem. FarmStation offers many volunteer opportunities for you to get involved.

We offer organic farming activities for those who want to learn more about agriculture and farming. Working with our farmers will be a wholesome experience.

From ploughing the field with a tractor to planting seeds, pruning and cultivating, one can take part and experience all aspects of agricultural life. There is no better opportunity for nature lovers! Experience working barefoot on the soil, which by the way does great wonders to humankind by helping release stress and fight anxiety, that’s how powerful our mother earth’s forces are..The power of earth’s magnetism!

You can even contribute to the farm cleanup by removing weeds if you find the whole agricultural process too time-consuming. (doesn’t all of this sound like a great Gym workout though?)

The off-field activities include exploring nature and learning about organic farming’s impact on human society and how to preserve our desi Indian cows. You can even ride a bullock cart and become part of the daily rides of farmers. There are sheltered desi Indian cows, where workers can help make organic manure, desi cows are proven stress-busters! Taking care of a cow can make us calm and, of course, is a new yet ancient “Wellness trend”.

People who don’t want to work physically are still welcome to monetary contributions. Farmers, particularly, would be grateful if you helped them connect to technology and the outside world, which could benefit their businesses greatly. 

The opportunity to contribute to the environment and create a sustainable ecosystem for future generations doesn’t come around very often. Moreover, your efforts towards preserving the environment may actually help you gain inner happiness!